Choronzon public release
Hello readers of the CENSUS blog, my name is Zisis Sialveras and I am happy to announce today the public release of our evolutionary knowledge-based fuzzer, Choronzon.
Getting the most out of Evil Twin with wifiphisher — BSides Athens 2016
My last year’s talk at BSides London introduced to the public Wifiphisher, a security tool that mounts the Evil Twin attack against Wi-Fi networks. The tool has since seen some heavy use by the wireless hacking community which has inspired further research into ways of making the Evil Twin attack more effective. This year, I was happy to discuss the results of this research in another BSides event which was held, for the first time, in my hometown — BSides Athens!
Side Channel Leaks in Mobile Applications — Infocom Mobile World Conference 2016
Hello, my name is Ioannis Stais and I’m a security consultant at CENSUS S.A.. At this year’s Infocom Mobile World Conference I did a short presentation on “Side Channel Leaks in Mobile Applications”.
Introducing Choronzon: an approach at knowledge-based evolutionary fuzzing
CENSUS researchers Nikolaos Naziridis and Zisis Sialveras have recently presented their research on knowledge-based evolutionary fuzzing, at ZeroNights 2015 in Moscow, Russia. The talk introduced a cross-platform evolutionary fuzzing framework, that will be released as a free and open-source tool.