Heap Exploitation Abstraction by Example - OWASP AppSec Research 2012

This year’s OWASP AppSec Research conference took place in Athens, Greece and we were planning to be there as participants. However, the day before the conference, Konstantinos Papapanagiotou (General Chair) asked if we could do a presentation to replace a cancelled talk. Myself and Chariton Karamitas agreed to help and spend around three hours preparing a talk on heap exploitation abstraction, a subject dear to us.

Black Hat USA 2012 update

This year we have presented our jemalloc exploitation research work at Black Hat USA 2012, the leading information security conference. Our researchers Patroklos Argyroudis and Chariton Karamitas visited Caesar’s Palace at Las Vegas, Nevada and delivered the talk.

The Linux kernel memory allocators from an exploitation perspective

In anticipation of Dan Rosenberg’s talk on exploiting the Linux kernel’s SLOB memory allocator at the Infiltrate security conference and because I recently had a discussion with some friends about the different kernel memory allocators in Linux, I decided to write this quick introduction. I will present some of the allocators’ characteristics and also provide references to public work on exploitation techniques.

AthCon 2011 update

CENSUS has participated once again at AthCon, the leading technical IT security conference in Greece. Our work entitled “Introducing the Parasite” presented a small device that is capable of creating a physical backdoor in an otherwise protected network.