Straight outta VMware (Microsoft BlueHat v18, Black Hat Europe 2018)
This post provides a short summary of my conference presentations at Microsoft's BlueHat v18 (Redmond, USA) and at Black Hat Europe 2018 (London, UK) on VMware workstation exploitation,
Windows 10 RS2/RS3 GDI data-only exploitation tales (OffensiveCon 2018)
Hello, I'm Nikos Sampanis, a security researcher working at CENSUS. On February 16th, 2018 I presented at OffensiveCon a talk with the title "Windows 10 RS2/RS3 GDI data-only exploitation tales". The presentation focused on a mitigation introduced in the Win32k component of Microsoft Windows to prevent the exploitation of memory corruptions in the session heap (due to GDI object abuse).
The Known Beacons Attack (34th Chaos Communication Congress)
The recent key reinstallation attacks (KRACK) against the WPA2 protocol revealed how an adversary can easily eavesdrop, and in some cases tamper, a Wi-Fi connection secured by the WPA2 protocol. At the same time, Wi-Fi automatic association attacks achieve a similar result (man-in-the-middle position) not by attacking the WPA2 protocol directly but by enforcing Wi-Fi clients to join a rogue Access Point.
iOS kernel exploitation archaeology (34th Chaos Communication Congress)
On December 27th 2017 I presented at the 34th Chaos Communication Congress (34C3) a talk on the technical details and the process of reverse engineering and re-implementation of the evasi0n7 jailbreak's main kernel exploit, titled "iOS kernel exploitation archaeology". Actually, I gave the same talk at the WarCon private event earlier in 2017 (June), but since there were no proceedings or slides published there, I thought it would be a good talk for 34C3! Both events, 34C3 and WarCon, were very well organized, but also very different both in content and of course size. Many thanks to the organizers and volunteers of both these awesome European conferences!