Hack In The Box 2017 Amsterdam
CENSUS researcher George Chatzisofroniou presented a novel WiFi attack technique named 'Lure10' at the CommSec track of the Hack In the Box 2017 conference in Amsterdam. The technique allows the automatic association of a Windows device to an attacker-controlled WiFi access point. The attacker may then mount a series of Man-in-the-Middle attacks to the victim device.
CENSUS researchers Vasilis Tsaousoglou and Patroklos Argyroudis delivered the "The Shadow over Android: Heap Exploitation Assistance for Android's libc Allocator" technical talk at the 2017 INFILTRATE (Miami, Florida) conference. The abstract of the talk follows:
CENSUS was one of the sponsors of FOSSCOMM 2016, the annual two-day conference in Greece that brings together the creators of Free and Open Source Software. During the first day of the conference, CENSUS ran a Capture The Flag competition, while on the second day our Director of Code Auditing services Dimitris Glynos delivered a talk on dealing with the Risk Perspectives of using FOSS.
2nd ENISA eHealth Cyber Security workshop
CENSUS director of Product Security Services, Dr. Dimitrios Glynos gave a presentation on the topic of "Medical Device Security" at the "2nd ENISA eHealth Cyber Security" workshop held in Vienna, Austria on November 23rd 2016. ENISA is the European Union's Agency for Network and Information Security. Along with the workshop, ENISA published on the same month the "Smart Hospitals - Security and Resilience for Smart Health Service and Infrastructures" study.