Articles with tag: Android
POSTED BY: Patroklos Argyroudis / 22.08.2017

shadow v2 public release

About four months ago (April 2017), Vasilis Tsaousoglou and myself presented our work on exploiting Android's libc allocator at the 2017 INFILTRATE conference (Miami, Florida). Since version 5.0, Android has adopted the jemalloc allocator as its default libc malloc(3) implementation. For our talk we extended our previously released jemalloc heap exploration and exploitation tool called 'shadow' to support Android (both ARM32 and ARM64), and demonstrated its use on understanding the impact of libc heap corruption vulnerabilities. We also presented new jemalloc/Android-specific exploitation techniques for double free and arbitrary free vulnerabilities.

POSTED BY: CENSUS / 18.04.2017


CENSUS researchers Vasilis Tsaousoglou and Patroklos Argyroudis delivered the "The Shadow over Android: Heap Exploitation Assistance for Android's libc Allocator" technical talk at the 2017 INFILTRATE (Miami, Florida) conference. The abstract of the talk follows:

POSTED BY: Anestis Bechtsoudis / 25.07.2016

Android stagefright impeg2d_vld_decode stack buffer overflows

CVE ID:CVE-2016-0836
Android ID:25812590
Affected Products:Android OS 6.0 — 6.0.1
Class:Out-of-bounds Write (CWE-787)
Discovered by:Anestis Bechtsoudis

Android provides a media playback engine at the native level called Stagefright that comes built-in with software-based codecs for several popular media formats. Stagefright features for audio and video playback include integration with OpenMAX codecs, session management, time-synchronized rendering, transport control, and DRM.

POSTED BY: Anestis Bechtsoudis / 22.07.2016

Android stagefright impeg2d_dec_pic_data_thread integer overflow

CVE ID:CVE-2016-0835
Android ID:26070014
Affected Products:Android OS 6.0 — 6.0.1
Class:Integer Overflow (CWE-190) / Underflow (CWE-191)
Discovered by:Anestis Bechtsoudis

Android provides a media playback engine at the native level called Stagefright that comes built-in with software-based codecs for several popular media formats. Stagefright features for audio and video playback include integration with OpenMAX codecs, session management, time-synchronized rendering, transport control, and DRM.