Firefox Exploitation - AthCon 2013

CENSUS will be one of the sponsors of the AthCon 2013 conference. We are thrilled to be participating for the fourth time actually, at AthCon, the leading technical IT security conference in Greece. This year, our researchers Patroklos Argyroudis and Chariton Karamitas will be presenting novel exploitation techniques against the Mozilla Firefox browser.

3rd InfoCom Security conference

CENSUS will be sponsoring the 3rd InfoCom Security conference, that will be held on April 10th, 2013 at the Divani Caravel hotel in Athens, Greece. At the 15:00 session, our director of R&D Dr. Patroklos Argyroudis will be delivering a presentation on “How to enhance penetration testing through vulnerability research”. Don’t miss this!

OWASP AppSec Research 2012

CENSUS was one of the sponsors of the OWASP AppSec Research 2012 conference, held at the University of Athens, Greece on July 10-12th, 2012. Besides helping out with the CTF challenge, CENSUS researchers also provided a technical talk on Heap Exploitation Abstraction.