Articles with tag: Software Component Analysis
POSTED BY: CENSUS / 31.08.2021

Securing the building blocks of embedded software

Co-authored by Sofia Tsagiopoulou

Embedded systems are special purpose systems that cover a wide range of applications, from home electronics and industrial control systems, to medical devices and avionics. The remote management & telemetry features of the so called "Internet of Things" family of embedded devices, have made them quite popular and their placement is almost ubiquitous. From a security standpoint, embedded software is not that different to software found in other domains. However, the criticality of its operation, its exposure on public networks, but also its security limitations make it a very attractive target for attackers. This article presents an overview of the building blocks of today's embedded software, analyses inherent weaknesses in the way this software is built and deployed, and highlights recent developments in the handling of the relevant risk.