Articles with tag: Fuzzing
POSTED BY: Anestis Bechtsoudis / 18.06.2015

Fuzzing Objects d’ART — Hack In The Box 2015 Amsterdam

Hello, my name is Anestis Bechtsoudis and I’m a security engineer at CENSUS. I recently gave a talk on Android ART runtime fuzzing techniques at the Hack-in-the-Box 2015 Amsterdam security conference. The talk entitled “Fuzzing Objects d’ART — Digging Into the New Android L Runtime Internals”, analyzed a series of DEX smart fuzzing techniques targeting the bytecode optimization and compilation components of the new Android ART runtime.

POSTED BY: CENSUS / 18.06.2015

Hack in the Box 2015 Amsterdam

CENSUS security engineer Anestis Bechtsoudis delivered the "Fuzzing Objects d’ART" presentation at the Hack In The Box 2015 conference, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The presentation provided an overview of the new Android Runtime (ART, introduced in the Android Lollipop release) and described the fuzzing mechanism that was required to identify bugs in the ART optimization process. Such bugs could be used by attackers to remotely execute code on any Android device running the Lollipop release.